
Ivory White Rose Box Bouquet

Ivory White Rose Box Bouquet

Ivory White Rose Box Bouquet
Ivory White Rose Box Bouquet
Ivory White Rose Box Bouquet
Ivory White Rose Box Bouquet
Ivory White Rose Box Bouquet
Ivory White Rose Box Bouquet
Ivory White Rose Box Bouquet
Ivory White Rose Box Bouquet

Ivory White Rose Box Bouquet

Please refer rose size guide! Pictured - Majestic
Please Select the Rose Box Size
Please Select the Delivery Date! Order by 10 AM for same day flower deliveries. Missed the cut-off, please call us.
Do you want to personalise the box?
Missing Option: Personalised Name / Message (maximum 20 characters)
Do you want to add Candle / Fragrance diffuser?
Do you want to add MOET Gift Box?
Maximum quantity exceeded
Minimum purchase amount of 0 is required
Maximum purchase amount of 0 is allowed
Price : $99.00
A one-time price of $99.00 will be added to your order.
  • Description

This classic gift has beautiful white / Ivory roses presented in a hatbox with a matching ribbon. Show your loved ones you are thinking of them, by sending a rose box with a personalised message. Contact us early and we will do SAME DAY DELIVERY. 

Perfect gift for a Bride or to celebrate a wedding.

White Roses Bouquet Wedding Gift - our client sent this beautiful personalised flower box to the bride as a gift. 

Rose Box Sizing Guide

  • Mini - 8 Fresh Roses in a box. [SOLD OUT]
  • Standard - 12-14 Fresh Roses in a box.
  • Medium-  16-18 Fresh Roses in a box.
  • Large -  24-26 Fresh Roses in a box.
  • Extra Large -  30-32 Fresh Roses in a Box.
  • Majestic -   36-38 Fresh Roses in a Box.
The number of roses depends on the fullness of the open flower, but the boxes will always be full and luscious!

Looking for more roses in a box? Please call us for a custom quote. 

If you are looking for other colours - Red Roses, Shades of Pink, Light Pink, Baby Pink, Yellow & Vibrant Colours. Please order our Personalised Rose Box

If you choose to add a personalised message or name, BySahana can add this to the hatbox. You may choose the message as "Happy Birthday" or "Name" or "Love You" - Messages can be up to 20 Characters. 

 The presentation may vary due to availability. Please note, roses are subject to availability (due to COVID-19). BySahana reserve the right to substitute the best possible colour for your arrangement given we cannot fulfil your request.

Our high-quality roses are freshly sourced from the local flower market to create full, luscious arrangements with a colour palette of your choice. 

You can also add a personal touch to your rose box by choosing to add a name or a custom message (maximum 20 characters). Our customers in the past have gifted their loved ones with messages such as “Love you Mum”, “Happy Graduation”, “Happy Birthday” to name a few.

Thinking of adding cupcakes, check out our floral cupcakes gift box.

Are the roses fresh?

Yes, all our flowers are freshly picked by our experienced team from the local flower market. Call us early for same day delivery.

How long can my message be on the box?

A maximum of 20 characters. Our customers have chosen loved one’s names or messages such as “Happy Birthday”, “Love you Mum”, “Happy Graduation”. Contact us today and one of our friendly consultants will help with your special design.

What sizes are the boxes and how many roses are in each?

Rose Box Sizing Guide

  • Mini -  8 Fresh Roses in a box.
  • Standard - 10-12 Fresh Roses in a box.
  • Medium-  14-16 Fresh Roses in a box.
  • Large -  18-20 Fresh Roses in a box.
  • Extra Large -  22-24 Fresh Roses in a Box.
  • Majestic -   30-32 Fresh Roses in a Box.
  • Grande-   40-42 Fresh Roses in a Box

Looking for more roses in a box? Please call us for a custom quote. 

The number of roses depends on the fullness of the open flower, but the boxes will always be full and luscious!

What colour are the boxes?

We offer classic white hat box style boxes. We could source a box in black or pink colour. Please add a note to the order, we do our best to fulfill your request.

What are the delivery times?

We deliver 7 days a week. Our delivery run starts at 8AM with our last delivery run at 8PM. We always check with the recipient to confirm their availability.  We cannot guarantee the requested time window particularly during mother’s day or valentine’s day.

What else can I add to my rose box order?

Check out our boxed cupcakes which you can add to your order to create a complete gift package! You may add candles or chocolates along with our flowers.